• Stanislav Baturin

    Stanislav has collaborated with the University of Chicago, Northern Illinois University and the Euclid Techlabs, USA, from 2015 to 2021. He joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Fellow in 2021 and is currently working at the Faculty of Physics on vortex ultra-relativistic particle sources for quantum studies.

    Amongst his most impactful publications are "Limiting effects in drive bunch beam dynamics in beam-driven accelerators: instability and collective effects" and "Evolution of an accelerated charged vortex particle in an inhomogeneous magnetic lens."

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  • Anton Barchuk

    Anton holds a PhD in oncology from the Petrov Research Institute of Oncology and a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Tampere (Finland). He joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Fellow in 2021 and is currently working at the Center for Science Communication on strengthening public health capacity through a modern epidemiology curriculum and university-based epidemiological research.

    Anton is the head of the Public Health Sciences Master’s program. In 2022, he presented a report on "Building capacity in health sciences for cancer control: university-based education and population-based research" at the 11th General Assembly and Biennial Conference on Cancer Prevention of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, India.

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  • Alisa Chaykovskaia

    Alisa defended her PhD at the University of Barcelona, Spain. She joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Postdoc in 2022 and is currently working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on vortex particles as a novel tool in high-energy hadron physics.

    Alisa is a part of Dmitry Karlovets’s team at the Institute of Advanced Data Transfer Systems, they are conducting research on high-energy processes with the matter waves.

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  • Evgeny Smirnov

    Evgeny defended his PhD at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He has participated in international research projects at the Shenzhen Moscow-Beijing University, China. Evgeny joined the ITMO Fellowship Program in 2022 as a Fellow and is currently working at the Infochemistry Scientific Center on soft interfaces as a platform for colloids self-assembly.

    Evgeny is the head of the center’s Chemotronics and Interfaces Group, working under the direction of Ekaterina Skorb.

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  • Ksenia Chichay

    Ksenia defended her PhD at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad. In 2022, she joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Postdoc. She is working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on spintronics with topological magnetic solitons.

    As a member of Valery Uzdin’s team, her work involves research on quantifying the stability of nano- and micromagnetic systems including topological magnetic systems.

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  • Ekaterina Shishatskaya

    Ekaterina is the head of the Department of Medical Biology of the Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnologies, Siberian Federal University. In 2009, she received the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists.

    Ekaterina joined the ITMO Fellowship Program in 2022 as a Research Professor to implement the project on materials for regenerative medicine in collaboration with Infochemistry Scientific Center.

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  • Alexey Kohanovskiy

    Alexey defended his PhD at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and collaborated with the Institute d'Optique (France). In 2023, he joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Fellow. He is working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on Implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms in nanophotonics.

    Amongst his most impactful publications are "Machine learning and applications in ultrafast photonics" and "Ionic liquid gated carbon nanotube saturable absorber for switchable pulse generation."

  • Alena Kulakova

    Alena defended her PhD at the University of Montpellier, France. In 2023, she joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Postdoc. She is working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on spintronics with topological magnetic solitons.

    As a member of Valentin Milichko’s team at the Laboratory of Nanophotonics of Hybrid Crystals, her work involves research on microcrystal coordination polymer lasers.

  • Tamer Mohammed Ali Mohammed Elmessery

    Tamer defended his PhD at the Ain Shams University, Egypt. He was an Associate professor at the Food Industries and Nutrition Research Institute, Egypt from 2015 to 2021. He joined the ITMO Fellowship Program in 2023 as a Fellow and is currently working at the Faculty of Biotechnologies.

    Tamer is a part of Mikhail Kurushkin’s team. Within the team he is working on construction of a high-efficient delivery system for natural active compounds based on milk protein-polysaccharide-polyphenol ternary interaction and development of new products.

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  • Kirill Bronnikov

    Kirill defended his PhD at the Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk. In 2023, he joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Postdoc. He is working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on development of dielectric Mie-tronics.

    As a member of Mikhail Limonov’s team, his work involves research on optical properties of metamaterials, volume, and surface femtosecond laser modification and structuring of solids.

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  • Iuliia Melchakova

    Iuliia defended her PhD at the Kyungpook National University, South Korea. She joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Postdoc in 2023 and is currently working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on theoretical design of nanoscale materials with significant optical properties for photonic and electronic applications.

    Iuliia is a part of Mikhail Rybin’s team, they are conducting research on quantum design and nanomaterials for spintronics.

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  • Dmitry Glazov

    Dmitry defended his PhD at the St. Petersburg State University. In 2023, he joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Fellow. He is working at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering on Relativistic and QED effects for atoms and molecules in external fields.

    As a member of Andrey Volotka’s team, his work involves research on quantum mechanics.

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  • Ali Abbasi

    Ali defended his PhD at the Air University Islamabad, Pakistan. He has conducted research at the Technical University Darmstadt and GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research (Germany) before joining the ITMO Fellowship Program in 2023 as a Postdoc and is currently working at the International Laboratory "Hybrid Nanostructures for Biomedicine".

    Ali is a part of Anna Orlova’s team, they are conducting research on in-situ growth of metal oxide nanostructures on 2D Matrix for enhanced photocatalytic applications.

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  • Maxim Arsentev

    Maxim defended his PhD at the Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and later on collaborated with the University of Florence and Laboratorio di Magnetismo Molecolare, Italy. In 2023, he joined the ITMO Fellowship Program as a Fellow. Maxim is working at the Infochemistry Scientific Center on Crystallomorphic design and 3D printing of cellular scaffolds filled with functionally graded gels.

    As a member of Ekaterina Skorb’s team, his work involves research design of the cell scaffolds.

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